EdNC: Lawmakers Hear About Micro-Credentials and State Apprentice Program
The following is an excerpt from an EdNC story by Alex Granados. For the full article, click here.
Lawmakers at the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee heard about attempts to make micro-credentials a statewide system of professional development during a meeting on Tuesday. They also heard an annual report on ApprenticeshipNC, an apprentice program run through the state’s community colleges.
Former Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue, head of digiLEARN, a nonprofit focused on “accelerating digital learning,” is spearheading the development of a micro-credential program along with partners such as the state Department of Public Instruction, RTI International, and New America.
Perdue said that the single biggest factor in student success is having an effective teacher.
“Effective teachers, though, need an innovative, different kind of professional learning system,” she said. “One that includes micro-credentials.”
Perdue described micro-credentials as a digital form of certification. Basically, if a teacher sees a skill or competency they want to master, they can go online and get it from wherever they are located.